„Media, holocaust and generation Z: Time for new approaches“
Tuesday, 08-09-2020
*all times are CET, Israeli time is +1h
17:30 - 18:00 CET
Greeting & Opening Remarks
Susanne Glass, Chief Correspondent ARD in Israel & PA, author
Jenny Havemann, Entrepreneur, Blogger, Political Analyst
Dan Meridor, JPC Keynote Speaker, Advisory Board Chairman, and former Minister for the Likud party
Susanne Wasum-Rainer, German Ambassador to Israel
Hannah Liko, Austrian Ambassador to Israel
Jean-Daniel Ruch, Swiss Ambassador to Israel
Ulrich Wilhelm, BR Intendant
Charlotte Knobloch, President Israelitische Kultusgemeinde München und Oberbayern
18:00 - 18:15 CET
Keynote Speech
Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel *requested
18:15 - 18:30 CET
Presenting “Eva’s Stories Project”
Mati Kohavi, Chairman and Owner of AGT International, CEO of many high tech companies
18:30 - 19:15 CET
Talk: 3 Generations 3 Perspectives
Holocaust survivor Naftali Fürst
2nd generation, Michael Shubitz, Camera operator, Lithuaunian origin
3rd generation, Keren Knoll
Elishav Rabinovith, Community Manager Zikaron Basalon
Barbara Glück, Austrian historian, director KZ Mauthausen memorial
Moderator: Eliyah Havemann, Cyber Security expert, German author („Wie werde ich Jude“) , blogger
19:15 - 20:15 CET
“Alliances Against Antisemitism & Hate Speech”, Discussion
Sawsan Chebli, German politician, State Secretary of Berlin State Chancellery
Roger Schawinski, Swiss moderator, media pioneer
Ksenia Svetlova, Israeli politician, journalist, associate professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Nikodemus C. Schnabel, O.S.B., Benedictine Monk of the Dormition Abbey in Jerusalem, Director of The Jerusalem Institute of the Görres-Gesellschaft (JIGG)
Rabbi Dov Lipman, former Knesset member, author, Senior Manager Community Outreach for HonestReporting
Alana Baranov, Steering Committee member of the WJC Jewish Diplomatic Corps
Moderator: Markus Spillmann, Swiss journalist, Entrepreneur, media adviser
“When the discourse gets nasty: Antisemitism, Hate-Speech, Fake-News“
Wednesday, 09-09-2020
*all times are CET, Israeli time is +1h
16:15 - 16:25 CET
Keynote Speech
Dr. Maram Stern, Executive Vice President of World Jewish Congress - Israel
16:25 - 16:30
Keynote Speech
Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, German Lawyer and former Minister of Justice
16:30 - 17:15 CET
Trends in Holocaust Awareness:
How We Need to Engage the Public via Digital Media“
Eyal Kaminka, Director of the International School for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem
Dana Porath, Director of the digital department, Yad Vashem
Samuel Kassow, Professor of History at Trinity College
Moderator: Iris Rosenberg, Director of Communications, Yad Vashem
17:15 - 17:45 CET
Keynote Speech
Heiko Maas, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Germany
Jeremy Issacharof, Israel's Ambassador to Germany
Alexander Schallenberg, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Austria
17:45 - 18:30 CET
Survey Presentation: „Europe and Israel – Insights into the Mutual Perception“
Joachim Rother, Bertelsmann Stiftung - Presenting Survey
Dina Porat, Chief Historian of Yad Vashem, Professor Emeritus of Jewish History
Moderator: Mike Lingenfelser, ARD Tel Aviv & Bertelsmann Fellow
18:30 - 19:15 CET
Discussing the Official Definition of Antisemitism: Agreeing to Disagree?
Anetta Kahane, German journalist, author, founder of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation
Christina Hainzl, Antisemitism studies, University of Krems
Lukas Mandl, ÖVP, Member of the European Parliament
Omri Attar, Acting Executive Director ELNET
Ben-Dror Yemini, Israeli journalist, former advisor and speaker of the Ministry of Immigration
Moderator: Ellie Hochenberg, Diplomatic correspondent for i24 News
19:15 - 19:45 CET
Talk with Wolf Biermann “Extremism & populism. How to deal with it?”
Wolf Biermann, German singer-songwriter, former East German dissident, poet, author
Moderator: Susanne Glass, Chief Correspondent ARD in Israel & PA, author
19:45 - 20:30 CET
Panel: The Role of the Media in Shaping the Attitude Towards the Holocaust
Othmar Karas, Vice-President European Parliament
Iris Rosenberg, Director of Communications, Yad Vashem
Lital Henig, Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Communication and Journalism at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Dr. Laurence Weinbaum, Director General of World Jewish Congress-Israel and the Director of the Israel Council on Foreign Relations
Oren Nahari Foreign News Editor & Chief International Commentator of Walla News
Moderator: Alexandra Föderl-Schmid, Austrian journalist, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Süddeutsche Zeitung, former Correspondent Süddeutsche Zeitung in Israel
“Media and Innovation“
Thursday, 10-09-2020
*all times are CET, Israeli time is +1h
17:15 - 17:30 CET
"Bavaria and Israel - Partners in Innovation"
Florian Herrmann, Head of the State Chancellery
17:30 - 17:45 CET
Why is Tel Aviv special for Startups?
Michal Michaeli, the head of international economic development at Tel Aviv Global
17:45 - 18:15 CET
Media Start Up - Pitches
Cyabra protects large brands from disinformation and deepfakes
TetaVi is developing a method and system to generate high-quality free-viewpoint video content for sports, broadcast, and virtual-reality applications
D-ID offers a system designed to protect images from unauthorized automated facial recognition.
TwoHeads helps companies use videos to triple their SQLs, rank on the first page of Google, and 10x their engagement on LinkedIn.
18:15 - 18:30 CET
Power of Social Media
Kai Diekmann, co-founder of Storymachine
18:30 - 18:45 CET
"Dealing with hate-speech online"
Carole Nuriel, Director of ADL Israel
18:45 - 19:00 CET
New Media Technology (Ringier)
Christian Dorer, Swiss journalist, Chief editor Blick group
19:00 - 19:20 CET
"Change and challenges in communication"
Ulrike Demmer, spokesperson of the German government
19:20 - 20:10 CET
Discussion “Social Media as the Fifth Power?”
Laura Goudkamp, BR, ARD
Joelle Weil, Swiss journalist
Ruben Gerczikow, Vice President JSUD, VP of EUJS
Katharina Ciobotaru, German writer
Pola Nathusius, journalist in the fields of radio, podcast, TV, social media and online
Sivan Felder, co-founder and CMO of TwoHeads, a video marketing firm
Moderator: Jenny Havemann, Entrepreneur, Blogger, Political Analyst
20:10 - 20:20 CET
Conclusion, Farewell